The 80:20 approach to a healthy lifestyle

The 80:20 approach to a healthy lifestyle


Health First Group

Last updated: 2023-10-05

What is the 80:20 approach to a healthy lifestyle?

Our Dietitian – Stephanie Blackwell suggests that the 80:20 rule is a healthy, less-restrictive lifestyle option, that anyone can follow.

To succeed with other strict diets, you must follow them 100% of the time, whereas the 80:20 rule allows you to indulge in your favourite foods 20% of the time, whilst ensuring you follow healthy eating advice for the remaining 80%.

8020 Approach To A Healthy Lifestyle Infographicblog (800 × 1600 Px) (1)
8020 Approach To A Healthy Lifestyle Infographicblog (800 × 1600 Px) (6)
8020 Approach To A Healthy Lifestyle Infographicblog (800 × 1600 Px) (5)

Written by: Stephanie Blackwell | Accredited Practising Dietitian

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