How to Fix Tennis Elbow Pain (In 21 Days or Less)

How to Fix Tennis Elbow Pain (In 21 Days or Less)


Health First Group

Last updated: 2023-10-31

Why it is called tennis elbow?

Similar to golfer’s elbow, the tendons of the forearm can suffer overloading in activities like tennis which led to the common name of “tennis elbow.” Often caused by repetitive motions of the upper arm and wrist, tennis elbow is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in the elbow are chronically overloaded. 

This condition, however, is not limited to tennis players.

Continue reading to find out more on tennis elbow and some key ways to help fix tennis elbow pain.

What is Tennis Elbow and How Does it Affect You?

The Anatomy

There are three bones that make up your elbow joint:

  •       Humerus
  •       Radius
  •       Ulna

Medically known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow pain stems from the common extensor tendon which attaches to the lateral epicondyle. 

Lateral epicondylitis is characterised by pain in the common extensor tendon of the forearm that helps to extend your wrist backwards and away from your palm. It is typically caused by repetitive strain to the forearm muscles that is greater than the tissues can tolerate.  

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How does Tennis Elbow Start?

Any repetitive movements or activities that involve the forearm muscles can cause this type of strain. Most cases aren’t related to tennis.

Developing tennis elbow often relates to the way that a worker carries out an activity. It could be related to too much;

  • Gripping
  • Twisting
  • Bending
  • Turning

These activities can aggravate elbow pain when:

  • The arm is in a fixed or awkward position,
  • The activity requires constant repetition,
  • The activity requires the use of certain tools and equipment,
  • The activity is particularly strenuous or demanding on the elbow flexors

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What does tennis elbow feel like?

The main symptom of tennis elbow is tenderness and pain at the lateral epicondyle of the elbow.

Common signs include:

  • Pain at the outer part of your elbow
  • Pain when bending or twisting your arm
  • Tightness, soreness, or tenderness in the forearm
  • Weakened grip when holding items such as a pen, tool, or racquet
  • Swelling can also be present 

Speaking to one of our physiotherapists about your elbow pain will help confirm whether you have tennis elbow or if is an unrelated condition.

Once you have been diagnosed, they will provide you with an individualised plan to fix your pain and stop it recurring in the future.

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Tennis elbow pain is common and there are many ways to fix it. Try to be mindful of the activities you do and when you are in pain, remember to stop!

Ensure you are able to complete stretches and strengthening exercises without pain.

 Are you looking for a physiotherapist to help you treat your Tennis Elbow? Click this link to find your closest therapist and make an appointment today!



Should I see a doctor for tennis elbow?

A physiotherapist does not require a referral from your doctor in order to assess and treat your elbow pain. Physiotherapists are primary care practitioners that are highly trained in dealing with muscle and joint injuries.

How is tennis elbow diagnosed?

One of our expert physiotherapists will conduct a thorough subjective and physical examination of your condition and determine whether or not you have tennis elbow. An x-ray is not required for diagnosis.

Who can get tennis elbow?

Anyone can get tennis elbow! Despite the name, tennis players and athletes account for a small percentage of tennis elbow diagnosis. Typically, middle-aged individuals (30-50) are the most likely to develop the symptoms of tennis elbow. 

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