NDIS At Health First Group

NDIS At Health First Group


Health First Group

Last updated: 2023-07-24

Our History in the NDIS

Health First Group is a registered provider of physiotherapy services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Originally registered as Total Physio Group, we completed the registration process in 2019 as a smaller company. As our company has grown in 2021, we successfully completed the audit process again and have been re-registered.

Our team operates primarily in regional areas, where we have observed a significant rise in the number of NDIS clients seeking our services. In these areas, access to quality healthcare can be limited, and we aim to address this issue as part of our mission statement at Health First Group.


What makes us a good Physio provider for NDIS?

  1. Expertise and Qualifications: We not only have qualified physio but have the experience and skill set to deliver high-quality services to people with disabilities. We have expertise in our field and tailor our services to meet the individual needs and preferences of each participant.
  2. Reliability and Trustworthiness: Participants and their families can rely on us to deliver services consistently and on time. We pride ourselves on communication and openness. When discussing service agreements and plans for treatment communication is crucial to meeting the participant’s goals.
  3. Patient-centred approach: They are your goals, and we include you, the participant in the decision-making process, seeking feedback regularly, and adjusting your services accordingly to meet the changing needs of the participant.
  4. Accessibility and Availability: We work really hard to provide accessibility to our services. In regional locations, diaries can be busy and accessibility can be difficult. It is not uncommon to have 2-3 months waiting lists for services but we try our hardest to accommodate new patient assessments within the same week!
  5. Continuous Improvement: We are always learning and committed to ongoing improvement and innovation of our services, seeking out best practices and new technologies to enhance their services and outcomes for our participants.
  6. Compliance with NDIS standards: We are fully compliant with NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) requirements and standards, including maintaining appropriate records and ensuring the safety and well-being of our participants.

Meet The Physio Initiative

We recently launched our “Meet the Physio” program, which offers a no-obligation assessment to individuals who are considering our services. We have found that many people prefer to meet with us, have a session, and then decide if our services are the right fit for their needs. This approach is based on the importance of building relationships and ensuring that there is a good fit between the client and our team. By offering this assessment, clients can make an informed decision about whether we can help them and whether they will enjoy their sessions with us. Find Out More

We also welcome allied health providers, support coordinators, plan managers, and other providers in our regional locations to connect with us. We are committed to making providers more accessible in remote and regional areas, and we would be delighted to meet with you.


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